Tuesday, May 29, 2018


Being in high pollen season, we could use a couple of boxes of tissues if anyone has an extra box around.

Our noses thank you!

Field Trip

Please return all Fort Adams permission slips and a $3.00 payment by Friday, June 8th.

Reading Response Reminder

As a reminder, ALL final reading responses are due Friday, June 8th for this school year.

Lifetouch Pictures

Just as a reminder, all Spring Lifetouch pictures or payments are due this Wednesday, May 30th.  I realize that in the past this has not been a very monitored process, but this year we have been asked to keep a list of all picture returns and payments.  If you paid online, you should have been given a code to be able to send in to the school.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Reading Responses for Trimester Three

Four book responses are due for trimester three:
-Journal prompts (Based on a fiction book)

**There are nine total journal prompts/each trimester students are to choose three different ones to focus

Two of the responses were due by April 27th. The final two will be due by Friday, June 8th.