Sunday, November 24, 2019

Reading Response Update for Trimester TWO

The next mid trimester due date for TWO more reading responses is Monday, January 13th, which is seven weeks from tomorrow. Students should be working on two of the three assignments listed: a fiction response, a non-fiction response OR a journal prompts response (based on a second fiction book.)  As a reminder, each journal prompt will only be completed once during the year, so if your child has already done conflict, they will not do that same one again. They need to choose a different one.

****** NO ONE should be working on a BIOGRAPHY RESPONSE anytime soon.  There will be a biography project that will be introduced to the students in mid-late January. ******


Movie Theme Project

There is a Movie Theme Project that is due on Friday, December 6th.  Your child should have a packet that explains the project to include an example.  If it has been misplaced, please see the link to the right that outlines the project.